
And the Target: Byahe continues.. Vigan, Beach of La Union, Sisig ng Pampanga, Bangus Dagupan

Napasyal ka na ba ... ... Vigan Namasdan mo na ba .. .. Beach ng ... La Union Natikman mo na ba Ang sisig ng Pampanga .. Bangus Dagupan     I've actually done each and every one of these as a kid. My parents grew up in the North - Pangasinan for my mom, and Ilocos Norte (and to some extent Pampanga) for my dad. And part of my memories involve going back to their probinsiya; Ilocos (and stopping over a lot of times), and Pangasinan with some outing mostly in the North. With

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Hong Kong - Macau - Clark - Manila : A journey of sea, air and land

There wasn't any rush for the day. Our flight to Clark from Macau was still at 9PM, so we still had lots of time. The night before, it was a failed attempt to buy souveneirs at Hong Kong's night market. I find the selection too limiting, though it was an endless array of stalls of very similar products. So that morning, I tried to go to the Ladies' market, while my parents went to do last minute shopping at Tsim Sha Tsui and Elements Mall. I was informed by the concierge that the ladies market

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Hong Kong Happy Place

I still have memories of my first Disney Park way back in 2001. 'Til this day, I still look at those pictures with a smile. If there was one place in our itinerary that can never be removed - it was Hong Kong Disneyland. It was an absolute must from my mom's perspective - and that comes from an adult who has already been there previously! Our journey to the happy place started at around 9:30am. And while the hotel bed was the most comfortable, we tried to leave early and expected to leave

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